
Queer Phenomenology




Space acquires ‘‘direction’’ through how bodies inhabit it, just as bodies acquire direction in this inhabitance.




In this book I hope to explore what it means for ‘‘things’’ to be orientated,




A key argument in this book is that the body gets directed in some ways more than others. 



But what if direction, as the way we face as well as move, is organized rather than casual? We might speak then of collective direction: of ways in which nations or other imagined communities might be ‘‘going in a certain direction,’’ or facing the same way, such that only some things ‘‘get our attention.’’




in moving this way, rather than that, and moving in this way again and again, the surfaces of bodies in turn acquire their shape. Bodies are ‘‘directed’’ and they take the shape of this direction.



Directions are instructions about ‘‘where,’’ but they are also about ‘‘how’’ and ‘‘what’’: directions take us somewhere by the very requirement that we follow a line that is drawn in advance. A direction is thus produced over time; a direction is what we are asked to follow. 




A lifeline can also be something that expresses our identity, such as the lines carved on the skin that are created as an effect of the repetition of certain expressions: the laugh line, the furrow created by the frown, and so on. 



Hope is an investment that the ‘‘lines’’ we follow will get us somewhere.




It is interesting to note that in landscape architecture they use the term ‘‘desire lines’’ to describe unofficial paths, those marks left on the ground that show everyday comings and goings, where people deviate from the paths they are supposed to follow.



Becoming reorientated, which involves the disorientation of encountering the world differently, made me wonder about orientation and how much ‘‘feeling at home,’’ or knowing which way we are facing, is about the making of worlds.




Orientations allow us to take up space insofar as they take time. Even when orientations seem to be about which way we are facing in the present, they also point us toward the future. The hope of changing directions is that we don’t always know where some paths may take us: risking departure from the straight and narrow makes new futures possible, which might involve going astray, getting lost, or even becoming queer, as I discuss in chapter 2.




This book is a modest one, made up of three chapters. Each chapter follows the concept of orientations: starting with a reflection on the concept within phenomenology, and then turning to the question of sexual orientation, and then finally to the orientation of orientalism as a point of entry for reconsidering how racism ‘‘orientates’’ bodies in specific ways.



I begin in chapter 1 by exploring the concept of orientation in phenomenology

phenomenology and, in particular, the relationship between perception, action, and direction. My task in this chapter is to work closely with phenomenological texts in order to develop an approach to the concept of orientations, which I then explore with reference to more concrete examples in the following chapters. I also aim in chapter 1 to think about how the objects that appear within phenomenology show us how phenomenology might be directed in some ways rather than others. Using Marxism and feminist theory I explore how the orientation of phenomenology toward the writing table might depend upon forms of labor, which are relegated to the background. Chapter 1 considers how spatial orientations (relations of proximity and distance) are shaped by other social orientations, such as gender and class, that affect ‘‘what’’ comes into view, but also are not simply given, as they are effects of the repetition of actions over time.

