

Queer Phenomenology Chapter1: Orientations Toward Objects p.31 about the ways in which women, as wives and servants, do the work required to keep such spaces available for men and the work they do (Gilman 2002). :妻や使用人としての女性が、…


Queer Phenomenology CHAPTER 1 Orientations Toward Objects p.24 Edmund Husserl, Ideas Phenomenology is often characterized as a ‘‘turn toward’’ objects, which appear in their perceptual ‘‘thereness’’ as objects given to consciousness. :現象…


Queer Phenomenology Introduction p.12 Space acquires ‘‘direction’’ through how bodies inhabit it, just as bodies acquire direction in this inhabitance. :空間は、身体がそこにどのように居住するかによって「方向性」を獲得し、身体がこの居住にお…