
Queer Phenomenology

CHAPTER 1 Orientations Toward Objects



Edmund Husserl, Ideas

Phenomenology is often characterized as a ‘‘turn toward’’ objects, which appear in their perceptual ‘‘thereness’’ as objects given to consciousness.









what objects appear within phenomenology as objects that the reader, in turn, can apprehend?


in turn : 順番に




How does the ‘‘matter’’ of the paper matter?

How does the orientation of the paper, which is ‘‘on’’ the writing table, also function as an orientation device, which both shows the ‘‘direction’’ of phenomenology and also takes it in a certain direction?




Husserl, Heidegger, MerleauPontyMarx


By reflecting specifically on ‘‘the table’’ as an object that matters within phenomenology, I also offer an account of gender as orientated.



The radical claim that phenomenology inherits from Franz Brentano’s psychology is that consciousness is intentional: it is directed toward something.


insofar: する限りにおいて


Merleau-Ponty makes this point directly when he suggests that ‘‘the word perception indicates a direction rather than a primitive function’’ (1962: 12).

:メルロ=ポンティは、「知覚という言葉は、原始的な機能ではなく、むしろ方向性を示している」(1962: 12)


Perception is a way of facing something. I can perceive an object only insofar as my orientation allows me to see it (it must be near enough to me, which in turn means that I must be near enough to it), and in seeing it, in this way or that, it becomes an ‘‘it,’’ which means I have already taken an orientation toward it. 




For example, say I perceive something before me. In perceiving the object as an object, I perceive the object in a certain way as being some kind of thing. Perceiving an object involves a way of apprehending that object. So it is not just that consciousness is directed toward objects, but also that I take different directions toward objects: I might like them, admire them, hate them, and so on.




We are reminded that what we can see in the first place depends on which way we are facing. What gets our attention depends too on which direction we are facing. 



As Diana Fuss reminds us, ‘‘the theatre of composition is not an empty space but a place animated by the artefacts, momentos, machines, books, and furniture that frame any intellectual labour’’ (2004: 1).
